
inheritance and chapter 13 bankruptcy

Inheritance and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Inheritance and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Bankruptcy proceedings aren’t always easy and straightforward. There are situations that can lead to complications, situations that make it difficult to determine whether the bankruptcy is still possible and if it will have a pronounced impact on one’s life. Imagine the following scenario – you’re crumbling under the burden of debt […]
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non-us citizens file bankruptcy

Can Non-US Citizens File Bankruptcy in Arizona?

Can Non-US Citizens File Bankruptcy in Arizona? Legal residents of the US who are not citizens yet have many questions about the laws that apply to them, their rights and obligations. Dealing with financial problems when you’re not a citizen yet will be both confusing and nerve-racking. You will be considering the possible solutions and […]
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common mistakes when filing bankruptcy

Most Common Mistakes When Filing Bankruptcy

Some of the Most Common Mistakes When Filing Bankruptcy A bankruptcy filing is a good option when it comes to getting rid of debt or handling it more efficiently. As straightforward as it is, bankruptcy filing does come with certain rules. People who don’t have the legal and administrative knowledge to go through the process […]
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credit card after bankruptcy

Getting a Credit Card After Bankruptcy

Getting a Credit Card after Bankruptcy The period following your bankruptcy discharge will be characterized by attempts to get back to your feet. Since youa��ve just had your debt discharged, youa��re probably reluctant to accumulate some new one. Getting a new credit card after bankruptcy isna��t necessarily the smartest thing to do but it may […]
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debt discharged in bankruptcy

Is Debt Discharged in Bankruptcy Taxable?

Is Debt Discharged in Bankruptcy Taxable? A bankruptcy discharge is definitely sought after but many people are unaware of all its implications. Taxation issues are the ones that seem to raise the most concern. One very common question is whether taxes are owed on debt discharged in bankruptcy. The Short Answer The short answer to […]
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bankruptcy fraud in arizona

The Repercussions of Committing Bankruptcy Fraud in Arizona

The Repercussions of Committing Bankruptcy Fraud in Arizona Bankruptcy filings in Arizona come with certain responsibilities for the debtor. Any attempt to a�?cheat the systema�? could potentially result in bankruptcy fraud charges. Just like all other states, Arizona has specific sanctions for the individuals who knowingly or unknowingly commit bankruptcy fraud in Arizona. Activities that […]
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